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Writer's pictureHelen Day

Building Resilience in the Face of Time Blindness

Time blindness can degrade resilience by undermining an individual's ability to adapt effectively and bounce back from challenges. Resilience is the capacity to withstand and recover from adversity, and it relies on various factors, including self-awareness, problem-solving skills, and time management abilities. Positive Intelligence, introduced by Shirzad Chamine, refers to mental fitness that enables individuals to approach challenges with a positive mindset, leading to improved resilience, performance, and overall well-being. The building of this mental fitness allows people with ADHD to address their time management difficulties while maintaining their sense of self-worth and agency.

1. Awareness and Acceptance: The first step is to cultivate awareness of your time-blindness tendencies and accept them without judgment. Recognise that struggling with time perception is a common aspect of conditions like ADHD and that it does not define your worth or capabilities. Embrace a mindset of self-compassion and openness to change.

2. Mindfulness Practice: Engage in mindfulness exercises to sharpen your awareness of the present moment. Mindfulness helps ground you in reality, allowing you to observe time passing without judgment or distortion. Techniques such as deep breathing, body scans, and sensory awareness can enhance your ability to stay present and focused.

3. Time Tracking: Keep a detailed record of how you spend your time each day. Use tools like time-tracking apps or simple pen-and-paper logs to monitor your activities and identify patterns of time blindness. Note instances where you underestimate or overestimate task durations and triggers that contribute to procrastination or distraction.

4. Reflection and Analysis: Regularly review your time-tracking data to gain insights into your time-blindness tendencies. Look for recurring patterns, such as specific times of day when time perception is most distorted or types of tasks that consistently take longer than expected. Reflect on the impact of time blindness on your productivity, mood, and overall well-being.

5. Strategic Planning: Armed with self-awareness and insights from your reflection process, develop strategic plans to mitigate the effects of time blindness. Break down tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks, and allocate realistic time frames for each. Use techniques like time blocking or the Pomodoro method to structure your work sessions and minimise distractions. Choose one change you want to make at a time, identify the first, smallest step and take it.

6. Positive Reframing: Practice reframing challenges related to time blindness as opportunities for growth and learning. Instead of viewing setbacks or missed deadlines as failures, approach them with curiosity and a growth mindset. Focus on what you can learn from each experience and how to adjust your strategies moving forward.

7. Self-Compassion and Flexibility: Be kind to yourself as you navigate the complexities of managing time blindness. Understand that progress may be gradual and nonlinear, and setbacks are a natural part of the process. Cultivate self-compassion by encouraging yourself and acknowledging your efforts, regardless of outcomes.

8. Celebrate Progress: Recognise and celebrate small victories along the way. Whether completing a task ahead of schedule, accurately estimating project timelines, or simply showing up and putting in effort, acknowledge your achievements and the growth they represent. Positive reinforcement boosts motivation and reinforces adaptive behaviours.

By integrating these steps into your approach to managing time blindness, you can harness the power of Positive Intelligence to cultivate resilience, enhance productivity, and lead a more fulfilling life. Remember that transformation is a journey, and each step brings you closer to realising your full potential.

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