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Writer's pictureHelen Day

Parenting a Child with ADHD: Supporting Emotional Development

Children with ADHD have trouble managing their emotions, and this comes from physical differences in structures and chemicals in the brain. This means that our children with ADHD tend to take longer to recognise, influence and control their emotions than their peers. Add to this the added stress of sensory overstimulation, the anxiety of not being able to live up to expectations, the frustration of not living up to their expectations, and the struggles of fitting into a society that has been made for a different type of brain, and you can see that there are a lot of emotions to be felt. However, being the parent of a child with ADHD and emotional dysregulation is also no easy task. Here are a few guidelines on what you can do to support your child's emotional development:

1. Look After Yourself

You can't help your child when you are triggered yourself. In fact, it exacerbates the problem. That is not to say you should never get upset - that is entirely unrealistic. But as an adult, you are responsible for meeting your own needs and those of your child. Two over-tired, hangry monsters don't cancel each other out! Meeting your own physical and emotional needs means that you can be there to support your child most effectively.

2. Build Strong, Positive Relationships

Having a strong relationship helps you and your child see more to each other than the emotional upsets between you and builds a sense of belonging and value as a part of your relationship. Make an effort to have meaningful connections at transitions throughout the day: when they go to school and when they come home, when they get up in the morning and when they go to bed, at breakfast and dinner. e interested in their lives, show empathy and validate your child's feelings. Let them know expressing their emotions and ideas with you is okay. You can take it to the next level by putting aside some time in your week to have fun together, whether in the form of Special Time (where they lead the way), or a hobby you can both enjoy.

3. Establish Clear, Consistent Routines

Familiarity is comforting for children with ADHD as it reduces anxiety and stress. Support your child by creating predictable routines and environments where the child knows what to expect. This doesn't mean that the unexpected never happens; it is just that there is a 'normal' to compare it to. Incorporating visual sequences of tasks and activities highlights their predictability to your child and allows them to take control over their own responsibilities. Clearly defining behaviour expectations can help the child feel secure, manage their emotions effectively, and let other family members articulate their feelings more clearly and less emotively.

4. Realistic Expectations

Understanding and acknowledging your child's unique capabilities is crucial for supporting their emotional development. Recognising how their abilities differ from others and setting achievable, realistic goals will help them succeed. Equally important is celebrating their efforts, not just their achievements. Acknowledging the hard work and determination they put into tasks can boost your child's confidence and motivation, fostering a more positive emotional and developmental environment.

5. Develop Consistent, Positive Discipline

Your approach to discipline makes a big difference in your child's self-concept, resilience and emotional control. Emphasising and building upon your child's strengths and successes can boost their self-esteem and encourage a positive self-image and is much more effective than focusing on what your child did wrong. Reinforcing positive behaviours with specific praise (and sometimes tangible rewards) helps your child feel valued and motivates them to continue those behaviours. Consistent expectations are also essential; reliably applying rules and consequences helps children understand boundaries. Additionally, following through with promises and consequences builds trust and reliability, fostering a secure and predictable environment where children can thrive emotionally.

6. Model Appropriate Behaviour

Demonstrate self-regulation, and you model healthy ways to manage emotions and stress; you provide a tangible example for their children to follow. Additionally, maintaining open lines of communication about feelings and behaviours fosters a supportive environment where children feel safe to express themselves. This approach helps children with ADHD learn to articulate their emotions and develop better emotional awareness, ultimately aiding their overall emotional growth.

7. Educate Yourself and Your Child

Educating yourself about ADHD and sharing age-appropriate information with your child can help them understand their brain better. Advocacy is also essential; actively advocate for your child's needs in school and other settings to ensure they receive the necessary support. You can use books and stories that discuss emotions and coping strategies to work through hypothetical situations. Imagining the characters' feelings and predicting how they handle various situations can help your child navigate their emotions. Additionally, sharing your experiences with big emotions and how you managed them provides relatable examples and valuable insights for the child.

8. Teach Emotional Regulation Skills

Parents can play a crucial role in supporting the emotional development of children with ADHD by teaching emotional regulation skills. Incorporating mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga, can help your child manage stress and emotions. Additionally, assisting your child in identifying and labelling their emotions enables them to better understand and control their emotional responses. By implementing these strategies, you can help your children develop the skills to navigate emotional challenges effectively.

9. Develop Problem-Solving Skills

In supporting the emotional development of children with ADHD, parents can focus on fostering problem-solving skills through structured approaches. Role-playing is an effective method to help children practice social scenarios and learn appropriate responses. Children can develop strategies for handling real-life situations by engaging in simulated interactions. Additionally, a step-by-step approach can break down complex problems into manageable tasks. Guide your child through identifying the issue, brainstorming potential solutions, and evaluating the outcomes of each option. This method enhances problem-solving abilities, encourages critical thinking, and improves decision-making skills. By consistently practising these strategies at home, parents provide valuable support in empowering their children with ADHD to navigate challenges with confidence and resilience.

10. Encourage Physical Activity, Social Interaction and Creative Self-Expression

To support the emotional development of children with ADHD, parents can implement strategies that foster both physical and emotional well-being. Regular exercise, like sports, dancing, or outdoor play, not only enhances mood but also improves focus and concentration. Family activities that involve physical exertion serve as opportunities to model healthy behaviours and strengthen familial bonds. Facilitating playdates with peers encourages social interaction and helps develop essential social skills in a supportive environment. Enrolling children in structured group activities promotes teamwork and cooperation, fostering positive social engagement. Encouraging creative outlets like drawing, writing, or playing music provides children with ADHD avenues to express their emotions creatively. Additionally, journaling can be a valuable tool for children to articulate their thoughts and feelings, promoting self-reflection and emotional awareness. By incorporating these activities into daily routines, parents can nurture their child's emotional growth and resilience while providing avenues for self-expression and social development.

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